Looking to express your feelings in German? Whether you're planning to learn German or you've already fallen for someone who speaks the language, knowing how to say "I love you in German" is an essential part of building meaningful connections.
While only about 6% of German singles use online dating services, love still flourishes in German-speaking countries. Whether you meet someone at a local Biergarten, through mutual friends, or during your travels, being able to express your feelings authentically in German can make all the difference in your relationships.
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How To Say I Love You in German
The most direct way to say "I love you" in German is "Ich liebe dich" (pronounced: ikh LEE-buh dikh). Let's break this down: "Ich" means "I," "liebe" means "love," and "dich" means "you" in the informal form. This phrase carries the same weight and significance as "I love you" does in English and is typically reserved for romantic relationships.
Here are various ways to express love and affection in German:
German Expression | Pronunciation | English Translation | Usage Context |
Ich liebe dich | ikh LEE-buh dikh | I love you | Romantic relationships, very serious |
Ich hab' dich lieb | ikh hahb dikh leeb | I'm fond of you/I love you | Family, friends, casual relationships |
Du bedeutest mir alles | du be-DOY-test meer AL-les | You mean everything to me | Romantic relationships |
Ich steh' auf dich | ikh shtey auf dikh | I'm into you | Casual, flirting |
Du bist mein Ein und Alles | du bist myne ayn unt AL-les | You're my everything | Serious romantic relationships |
Ich bin bis über beide Ohren verliebt | ikh bin bis oo-ber BY-duh OH-ren fer-leebt | I'm head over heels in love | Expressing strong infatuation |
Schatz/Liebling | shahts/LEEB-ling | Darling/Sweetheart | Terms of endearment for partners |
Ich vermisse dich | ikh fer-MI-suh dikh | I miss you | Any close relationship |
"Mein Schatz, ich liebe dich mehr als alles andere auf der Welt!"
(My darling, I love you more than anything else in the world!)
Want to go all-in with your feelings? This is your go-to phrase for those big moments. The "mehr als alles andere" part basically tells your special someone they're your number one priority. It's like the German equivalent of "you're my everything" but with an extra punch. Perfect for when you're feeling the love and want to show it!
"Weißt du eigentlich, wie sehr ich dich liebe?"
(Do you actually know how much I love you?)
Here's a smooth way to get deep without being too intense. Adding "eigentlich" (actually) makes it sound super genuine and thoughtful. It's like saying "have you ever stopped to think about how much I care?" - perfect for those quiet, meaningful moments together.
"Ich bin total verliebt in dich, seit ich dich zum ersten Mal gesehen habe."
(I've been totally in love with you since I first saw you.)
Looking to turn up the romance? This one's your secret weapon! Using "total" is super modern German slang that adds extra oomph. It's the perfect way to reminisce about your first meeting or that spark that started it all. Plus, it's got that cute "love at first sight" vibe that never gets old!

"Schatz, ich hab' dich lieb - pass auf dich auf!"
(Sweetheart, I love you - take care!)
Need something casual but caring for everyday moments? This phrase is your best friend! It's the kind of thing you'd text before a flight or after a coffee date. The "pass auf dich auf" part shows you care without being over-the-top. It's basically the German way of saying "take care, babe" but with extra warmth.
"Du bedeutest mir so viel, das kannst du dir gar nicht vorstellen."
(You mean so much to me, you can't even imagine.)
When you're feeling all the feels but want to keep it cool? Drop this line! The "gar nicht vorstellen" part is like saying "you can't even" in English - it adds that perfect touch of "my feelings are off the charts." Use this when you want to be sweet without going full romantic poetry.
"Meine Liebe zu dir wird jeden Tag stärker."
(My love for you grows stronger every day.)
Want to level up your love game? This phrase is like a power move in the romance department! Instead of just saying "I love you," you're telling them your love keeps growing. It's perfect for anniversaries, birthdays, or just because. Pro tip: Germans love how it uses "Liebe" as a noun - it makes it sound more lasting than just using the verb!

Romantic Expressions for Every Relationship Stage
Whether you're in the exciting early stages of dating or celebrating years together, German offers rich and nuanced ways to express your feelings. Let's explore romantic expressions suitable for different relationship stages.
First Attractions and Dating
Those initial butterflies and dating phases require lighter, more casual expressions that show interest without overwhelming intensity. Germans often use these phrases during the getting-to-know-you phase, whether meeting through friends or at social gatherings.
German Expression | Pronunciation | English Translation | Usage Notes |
Du gefällst mir | du ge-FELST meer | I like you | Casual but clear interest |
Ich mag dich sehr | ikh mahg dikh zehr | I really like you | Stronger than simple "like" |
Können wir uns wiedersehen? | KÖN-nen veer uns VEE-der-zayn | Can we see each other again? | After a good date |
Du bist ganz besonders | du bist gantz be-ZON-ders | You're really special | Shows unique attraction |
Ich denke ständig an dich | ikh DEN-ke SHTEN-dig an dikh | I think about you constantly | Shows growing feelings |
Du siehst toll aus | du zeest tol aus | You look great | Compliment appearance |
Lass uns ausgehen | lass uns AUS-gayn | Let's go out | Asking for a date |
Du machst mich nervös | du machst mikh ner-VÖS | You make me nervous | Cute admission of attraction |
New Relationships
As feelings deepen and the relationship becomes more established, these expressions help communicate growing emotional connection while maintaining some restraint typical in German culture.
German Expression | Pronunciation | English Translation | Usage Notes |
Ich bin so glücklich mit dir | ikh bin zo GLÜK-likh mit deer | I'm so happy with you | Express contentment |
Du bedeutest mir sehr viel | du be-DOY-test meer zehr feel | You mean very much to me | Growing importance |
Mit dir ist alles schöner | mit deer ist AL-les SHÖN-er | Everything is more beautiful with you | Romantic appreciation |
Ich kann mir ein Leben ohne dich nicht vorstellen | ikh kan meer ayn LAY-ben OH-ne dikh nikht for-SHTEL-en | I can't imagine life without you | Growing attachment |
Du bist wie ein Traum | du bist vee ayn traum | You're like a dream | Poetic admiration |
Ich genieße jede Minute mit dir | ikh ge-NEES-e YEH-de mi-NOO-te mit deer | I enjoy every minute with you | Expressing joy in time together |
Du machst mich komplett | du machst mikh kom-PLET | You complete me | Growing emotional bond |
Bei dir fühle ich mich zuhause | bay deer FÜH-le ikh mikh tsu-HAU-ze | I feel at home with you | Comfort and connection |
Committed Relationships
For established couples, these deeper expressions of love and commitment reflect the strength of a mature relationship while maintaining the sincerity Germans value.
German Expression | Pronunciation | English Translation | Usage Notes |
Du bist die Liebe meines Lebens | du bist dee LEE-be MY-nes LAY-bens | You're the love of my life | Deep commitment |
Für immer und ewig | für IM-mer unt AY-vig | Forever and ever | Eternal commitment |
Mit dir möchte ich alt werden | mit deer MÖCH-te ikh alt VAYR-den | I want to grow old with you | Long-term commitment |
Ohne dich bin ich verloren | OH-ne dikh bin ikh fer-LOR-en | Without you I'm lost | Deep dependency |
Mein Herz gehört dir | myn hertz ge-HÖRT deer | My heart belongs to you | Complete devotion |
Du bist mein Ein und Alles | du bist myn ayn unt AL-les | You're my everything | Total dedication |
Ich liebe dich von ganzem Herzen | ikh LEE-be dikh fon GAN-tsem HER-tsen | I love you with all my heart | Complete love |
Unsere Liebe ist unendlich | UN-zer-e LEE-be ist un-END-likh | Our love is infinite | Eternal love |
Long-Term Partnership
These expressions celebrate the depth and comfort of long-term love, perfect for anniversaries, special occasions, or daily affirmation in established relationships.
German Expression | Pronunciation | English Translation | Usage Notes |
Ich liebe dich mehr mit jedem Tag | ikh LEE-be dikh mayr mit YE-dem tahg | I love you more each day | Growing love |
Du bist immer noch mein Traumpartner | du bist IM-mer nokh myn TRAUM-part-ner | You're still my dream partner | Lasting attraction |
Danke für die wunderschönen Jahre | DAN-ke für dee VUN-der-shö-nen YAH-re | Thank you for the wonderful years | Anniversary gratitude |
Mit dir wurde mein Leben komplett | mit deer VUR-de myn LAY-ben kom-PLET | My life became complete with you | Life satisfaction |
Unsere Liebe wird stärker und stärker | UN-zer-e LEE-be vird STER-ker unt STER-ker | Our love grows stronger and stronger | Strengthening bond |
Du bist mein bester Freund und Partner | du bist myn BES-ter froynt unt PART-ner | You're my best friend and partner | Complete partnership |
Ich bin so dankbar für unsere gemeinsame Zeit | ikh bin zo DANK-bar für UN-zer-e ge-MYN-za-me tsyt | I'm so grateful for our time together | Deep appreciation |
Auf viele weitere Jahre zusammen | auf FEE-le VY-te-re YAH-re tsu-ZA-men |
Learn German with Lingopie
If you're inspired to express love in German or dive deeper into the language, Lingopie is a fantastic tool to help you learn naturally. Lingopie uses authentic TV shows, movies, and subtitles to teach German in a fun and engaging way. By immersing yourself in real-life conversations, you’ll not only learn phrases like "Ich liebe dich" but also understand the cultural nuances behind them. Whether you're a beginner or looking to refine your skills, Lingopie makes mastering German romantic expressions both easy and enjoyable!
1. How do Germans actually say "I love you"?
In German, "I love you" is translated as "Ich liebe dich." This phrase is used to express deep romantic love and is reserved for serious relationships. Germans tend to be more reserved with this expression compared to some other cultures, so it carries significant weight. It’s not commonly used casually or early in a relationship. Instead, phrases like "Ich hab dich lieb" (I have love for you) are often used for family, close friends, or in the early stages of romance.
2. What does "Liebchen" mean in Austrian German?
"Liebchen" is a term of endearment that translates to "sweetheart" or "darling." It’s used affectionately to refer to a loved one, similar to "Schatz" (treasure) in standard German. While it’s understood in both German and Austrian German, it’s more commonly used in Austria. The term has a warm, playful tone and is often used in romantic contexts or between close family members.
3. What does "Ich liebe dich zwei" mean?
"Ich liebe dich zwei" is a playful and creative way to say "I love you twice" or "I love you times two." The word "zwei" means "two" in German, so this phrase adds a fun twist to the traditional "Ich liebe dich." It’s not a standard expression but can be used to emphasize extra affection or to be cute and romantic. It’s more likely to be used in informal or lighthearted situations.
4. How do Germans express their love?
Germans often express love through actions rather than words, as they tend to be more reserved verbally. Common phrases include "Ich hab dich lieb" (I have love for you) for family and close friends, and "Ich liebe dich" for deep romantic love. Gestures like thoughtful gifts, spending quality time together, and acts of service are also important. Germans value sincerity and consistency in relationships, so small, meaningful actions often speak louder than words.
5. Are there other romantic phrases in German?
Yes, there are many romantic phrases in German! Some examples include:
- "Du bist die Liebe meines Lebens" (You are the love of my life).
- "Ich vermisse dich" (I miss you).
- "Du bist mein Ein und Alles" (You are my everything).
- "Ich bin verliebt in dich" (I am in love with you).
These phrases are used to convey deep affection and are often reserved for serious relationships.